Productivity Services


Whether it’s how we organize our crews or how we run our equipment, we all want to be productive. Doing more with the resources we have available means increasing overall profitability. Cat Productivity is a cloud-based application that can be accessed from your mobile, tablet or desktop devices, on or off the jobsite. Detailed Cat Production Measurement data, machine data, and jobsite data is transmitted from the onboard Cat Product Link™ device directly to the web platform.

Open CAT Productivity
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  • Track material types and tonnage moved
  • Pull live payload data for analysis
  • Keep tabs on fuel costs & machine hours
  • Compare productivity between shifts


  • Review dashboards to detect and fix high idle time
  • Use data to determine optimum distances between cycle segments
  • Redeploy fleet based on hourly utilization updates


  • Identify instances of high fuel burn and implement ways to improve
  • Assess utilization levels to determine when to buy new, used, or to rent
  • Pull historical data for more accurate bids on future projects
Get in touch

Contact Blanchard (Fullwidth Form)

You can give us a call at 844.252.6242 or fill out the quick contact form below.

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    Expected Response Time: 24 Hours