GCCP Control panel
Over/under voltage (27 / 59)
Environmental sealed front face
Generator phase sequence
Digital I/O module
Features include:
2 Programmable relay outputs (Form C)
Compatible with the following optional modules:
Customer data link (Modbus RTU)
4 programmable relay outputs (Form A)
Amps (per phase & average)
kVA (per phase, average & percent)
Text alarm/event descriptions
Low coolant level
Generator temperature monitoring module
Run/auto/ stop/control
Serial annunciator module data link
Emergency stop pushbutton
Frequency (Hz)
6 programmable digital inputs
Oil pressure (psi, kPa or bar)
Engine cycle crank
Operating hours
Local annunciator
coolant temperature
kW-hr (total)
Programmable protective relaying functions:
kW (per phase, average & percent)
Low oil pressure
Reverse power (kW) (32)
Remote Serial annunciator
DC volts
Power factor (per phase & average)
Remote CAN annunciator
24 Volt DC operation
Accessory module data link
Failure to start (overcrank)
Over/under frequency (81 o/u)
kVAr (per phase, average & percent)
Warning/shutdown with common LED indication of shutdowns for:
Low coolant temperature
2 Programmable digital outputs
Reverse reactive power (kVAr) (32RV)
Emergency stop
Digital indication for:
High coolant temperature
Speed adjust
Voltage adjust
Volts (L-L & L-N)
Overcurrent (50 / 51)
First local annunicators
Local discrete I/O package
Generator temperature monitoring package
Ground fault relay
Remote custom annunicator
GCCP Control panel
Generator running VFC
GCCP Control panel
Vandal proof panel door
Common alarm/shutdown relay