MX250 Microprocessor Controller

MX250 Microprocessor Controller

The MX250 microprocessor is standard with the entire CTS product family. The MX250 Series includes all the standard features of the MX150 Controller while offering expanded programmability and field adaptability. The high reliability and ease of unattended operation makes it ideal to use in a wide range of mission critical applications.

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Rating RangeSwitch Dependent

Transfer TypeApplication Dependent

Switch TypeApplication Dependent

Undervoltage Dropout for Source 1 and Source 275-98% of nominal

Undervoltage Restore for Source 1 and Source 285-100% of nominal

Underfrequency Dropout for Source 1 and Source 290-100% of nominal

Delay for Engine Cool Down (U)0-60 minutes

Delay Transfer to Nonpreferred Source (W)0-5 minutes

Delay NeutralTransition Time Delays (DT,DW)0-10 minutes

Storage Temperature(-30˚C - 75˚C ), -22˚F - 167˚F

Operating Temperature Ambient40 - 400 amp molded shell (-20˚C to 65˚C) , -4˚F to 149˚F
40 - 4000 amp all others (-20˚C to 60˚C), -4˚F to 149˚F


ESD immunity test per EN61000-4-2 Class B(Level 4)

Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test perEN61000-4-4

Conducted and Radiated Emissions per EN55022Class B (CISPR11) (Exceeds EN55011 & MILSTD461 Class 3)

Voltage dips and interruption immunity EN61000-4-11

Conducted immunity test per EN61000-4-6(ENV50141)

Ringing wave immunity per IEEE 472(ANSIC37.90A)

Surge immunity test per EN61000-4-5 IEEE C62.41

UL, CSA and IEC listed

Radiated RF, electromagnetic field immunitytest per EN61000-4-3 (ENV50140) 10v/m


Weather and tamper resistant touchpad

Through-the-door programming and display

Multipurpose display: LEDs for continuous monitoring of switch position and source availability; a four line by twenty character LCD display for settings, functions, programming and annunciation

Simplified keypad entry – menu-driven system is designed for ease of use

Built-in diagnosis with displays for ease of troubleshooting


User settings are unaffected by power outages

Built-in programmable exerciser uses separate microcontroller with independent battery back-up to serve as clock/calendar – battery failure will not affect switch operation

Built-in electrical operator protection

Inputs are optoisolated for high electrical immunity to transients and noise

Source connection and transfer data logging

Separate line voltage components for controller isolation

Watchdog circuit for microprocessor operation



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